Monday, November 13, 2006

Feedback Frenzy

Interesting article yesterday in The Sunday Times, pointing out the vulnerability of travel web sites to 'interference' from people with a vested interest. You can make a hotel's rating soar on, say, Trip Advisor by posting false rave reviews, and vice versa. Hotel and restaurant owners are not unknown to post their own glowing reviews.

Wikipedia has had the same bad press, though there still seems to be a blanket acceptance that if enough people use a website somehow the truth will get through unscathed. I doubt that the Times article will make a scrap of difference. The most savvy among you will continue to use the corruptible Trip Advisor - won't you?!

It all goes to remind us that information on the web is corruptible, and that we are infinitely gullible. If the future lies in the web - then where is there room for old-fashioned integrity? Dare we hope that where it survives - even on the web - it will carry a special value? When (and if) we open up our own site to readers' reviews we will, nevertheless, be crossing our fingers and biting our cheeks. But our own reviews will be the ones that really count - still.


At 6:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to note that you are looking at reviews to be placed on your site. I for one would not welcome that prospect. The thing I like most about your site, your guides, and your whole approach, is its integrity, and unbiased critique. I can see that in a very short space of time, some venues will receive unfavourable comments based purely on some minor dissapointment or foible on the customers part. Knowing the British public the way I do (in a professional capacity) I would hedge my bets on it being some unreasonable expectation from the customer that clouds the issue in the first place, and not the hosts actions.
I like to think that we can still rely on an "trusted expert in their field" to tell us about the little treasures that exist around us, and not let the web dilute that fading art. I wonder if what someone else considers unsatisfactory or bad taste, i consider charming or delightful.
On a personal note, of all the places I have stayed, courtesy of your guides, I have been wowed by each and every one, and long may that continue.

At 10:37 am, Blogger Alastair said...

Thanks Big Mike. We are fairly aware of the dangers, though you articulate them brilliantly - and generously. We are pulled in different directions, however, and the encouraging of feed-back has been urged upon us by the young modernisers who see it as a means of keeping the site buzzy, useful and responsive. Others among us do see it as a potential danger, not least because of the work it would generate. And you put the other arguments better than I could.

While the debate rages we are delaying the launch of the feed-back facility until the autumn. We certainly won't launch it if your arguments prevail.

Thanks so much.

At 6:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleased so far NOT to see 'our' reviews here. I don't want a 'young, vibrant, buzzy site!!!!' -- no, thank you. I want your solid recommendations. I want a way to say 'Go look again' to you all, if a place disappoints (and there have been 1 or 2 over the years). But I want that info to be used by YOU and not by 'us'. Keep customer reviews off the site!


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